Processing and Settlement

Settlement will take place once grading data has been made available and W.H.E. receives payment from the purchasing entity. Once settlement is complete, receipts and data become available on the web site. Payment is usually sent to the bank at the end of the settlement day. If there is a holiday or it is outside of normal WHE business hours, then the settlement will be processed the next business day.

Producers subscribed to receive settlement statements automatically will have them emailed or faxed to them at the end of the day they were settled.


The Western Hog Exchange (W.H.E.) introduced the "Electronic Funds Transfer" program in 1992 as a service to assist the quicker receipt of producer settlement funds. This is the preferred way for W.H.E. patrons to receive payments.

Producers wishing to enroll in this program must complete an "ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER - ENROLLMENT FORM" which can be downloaded by clicking the link provided.


If you would like further information regarding Electronic Funds Transfer, or would like a form mailed to you, please contact us.

Head Office

(780) 474-8292
Fax: (780) 471-8065